How Tennessee Handles Multiple DUI Offenses

Lady of justice statue, gavel, and book

Getting one DUI in Tennessee is bad enough—but when you’re facing multiple DUI charges, the stakes rise quickly. Tennessee’s laws are tough on repeat offenders, with escalating penalties that can lead to long-term jail time, higher fines, and the loss of your driving privileges for years. This guide will show you how to navigate the […]

How To Beat A Drug Possession Charge In Tennessee

Lawyer checking legal documents

Getting hit with a drug possession charge in Tennessee is no small issue. The penalties can wreck your life, including jail time, fines, and a permanent record that could shut the door on future opportunities. But you don’t have to accept the worst outcome—these charges can be fought and beaten in court. In this blog, […]

Can Police In Tennessee Search Your Phone Without A Warrant?

Police officer holding a cell phone with police cruiser lights in the background

In today’s digital age, your cell phone holds some of your most personal information—texts, emails, photos, and even your location history. But what happens if the police want to search your phone? Do they need a warrant? In the following sections, we’ll explore when law enforcement can and cannot search your phone without a warrant […]

What Is Probable Cause? A Guide To Understanding Your Rights

Gavel, scales of justice, and books on a table

Probable cause is one of the most misunderstood concepts in criminal law. Many people believe that as long as an officer “feels” something is wrong, they can stop, search, or arrest you. But the law sets a much higher standard. Probable cause isn’t about a hunch—it’s about having solid evidence that a crime has occurred […]

Assault on an Officer: New 2024 Penalties In Tennessee

Gavel on a desk with dramatic blue lighting

In recent years, the safety of law enforcement officers has become a growing concern across the United States, with Tennessee being no exception. High-profile incidents involving ambush-style attacks on officers have raised alarms, prompting a legislative response aimed at better protecting those who serve and protect our communities. Enter Tennessee’s new “Back The Blue Act“—a […]

Five Criminal Defense Myths Busted

Magnifying glass on a table

If you’re facing criminal charges, misinformation can be your worst enemy. People might believe they understand how the justice system works based on TV shows, YouTube videos, or secondhand stories. Unfortunately, these sources often paint an inaccurate picture of the situation at hand. In this blog, we’ll debunk five common myths about criminal defense and […]

First Time Domestic Assault Charge in Tennessee: New 2024 Law Requires GPS Monitoring

Domestic assault charges in Tennessee aren’t one-size-fits-all. These cases often involve complex personal relationships and can arise from equally complicated circumstances. You might face charges after an incident in your Knoxville home or during a weekend getaway in Gatlinburg. If you’re a first-time offender, you’re likely feeling unsure about what comes next. Will this charge […]

5 Common Mistakes Police Officers Make During Field Sobriety Tests

Police officer with clipboard

Field sobriety tests (FSTs) are used by law enforcement to assess a driver’s potential impairment due to alcohol or drugs. These tests, including the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, Walk and Turn, and One-Leg Stand, evaluate coordination, balance, and attention. However, errors in test administration can significantly impact the validity of results, potentially leading to unjust DUI […]

How a DUI Conviction Affects Professional Jobs In Tennessee

A DUI conviction is more than just a legal headache—it’s a potential career catastrophe. For professionals in Tennessee, the consequences extend far beyond fines and possible jail time. Your security clearance, your position at high-security facilities like Y-12 or ORNL, or even your medical license could be at stake. In this blog, we’ll explore the […]