How To Fight DUI Charges Based on Field Sobriety Tests
Field sobriety tests (FSTs) are a standard set of physical and cognitive exercises that Tennessee police officers use during traffic stops to help gauge impairment. Standard FSTs include the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test, the Walk-and-Turn test, and the One-Leg Stand test. These are designed to measure balance, coordination, divided attention, and eye movement control. In […]
Can I Still Drive After Being Arrested for DUI in Tennessee?
A DUI charge can cast a shadow of doubt on your daily life, making every errand, commute, or family obligation feel uncertain. One of the most common questions people have is whether they can continue driving while their case is pending. Before you assume the worst, know that there are ways to protect your right […]
Can You Really Get A DUI In A Parked Car In Tennessee?
Many people assume that parking their car and stepping away from the driver’s seat is enough to avoid a DUI. It seems logical—after all, if you’re not driving, how could you be charged with driving under the influence? Unfortunately, Tennessee law isn’t quite that simple. Even if your vehicle is parked, you could still face […]
Warrant For Your Arrest In Tennessee? Here’s What To Do Next
You just found out there’s a warrant for your arrest in Tennessee. The panic sets in–what now? Ignoring the problem isn’t an option, but facing it alone feels just as overwhelming. An arrest warrant isn’t something that simply goes away. Without the right guidance, you could face an unexpected arrest, jail time, and escalating legal […]
How to Beat Felony Drug Charges in Tennessee
Facing felony drug charges in Tennessee is a serious, life-altering event. The state is known for its strict drug laws, and a felony conviction can result in severe consequences, including long prison sentences, hefty fines, and a permanent criminal record that could affect the rest of your life. The stakes are high, and you cannot […]
How Tennessee Handles Multiple DUI Offenses
Getting one DUI in Tennessee is bad enough—but when you’re facing multiple DUI charges, the stakes rise quickly. Tennessee’s laws are tough on repeat offenders, with escalating penalties that can lead to long-term jail time, higher fines, and the loss of your driving privileges for years. This guide will show you how to navigate the […]
How To Beat A Drug Possession Charge In Tennessee
Getting hit with a drug possession charge in Tennessee is no small issue. The penalties can wreck your life, including jail time, fines, and a permanent record that could shut the door on future opportunities. But you don’t have to accept the worst outcome—these charges can be fought and beaten in court. In this blog, […]
Can Police In Tennessee Search Your Phone Without A Warrant?
In today’s digital age, your cell phone holds some of your most personal information—texts, emails, photos, and even your location history. But what happens if the police want to search your phone? Do they need a warrant? In the following sections, we’ll explore when law enforcement can and cannot search your phone without a warrant […]
What Is Probable Cause? A Guide To Understanding Your Rights
Probable cause is one of the most misunderstood concepts in criminal law. Many people believe that as long as an officer “feels” something is wrong, they can stop, search, or arrest you. But the law sets a much higher standard. Probable cause isn’t about a hunch—it’s about having solid evidence that a crime has occurred […]
Can Police Search Your Car Based on Smell Alone? What Tennessee’s 2024 Ruling Means for You
In a recent decision, the Tennessee Supreme Court addressed a key issue for criminal defense: can police rely on the plain smell of marijuana to justify a vehicle search when a police officer and/or canine dog cannot distinguish between legal hemp and illegal marijuana? In State of Tennessee v. Andre JuJuan Lee Green, the Court […]